About Wooting 80HE
Meet the 80HE
Everything you'd expect from Wooting in an 80% layout.
We’ve applied everything we’ve learned so far, making the 80HE our most complete keyboard yet. With several new elements improving the sound, adding new features that enhance your gaming performance and implementing true 8kHz polling to make it our fastest keyboard to date.
Analog Input Unleashed
Full range switch motion.
The Wooting 80HE detects full switch motion with 0.1mm accuracy from start to end. Every single key outputs an analog signal that can be used for numerous features that enhances your typing and gaming experience.
There is no compromise to be made in what a regular ol’ keyboard might have to offer. Welcome to the future.
True 8kHz Polling Rate
0.125ms Latency.
The 80HE supports up to 8kHz USB polling while also scanning every analog key position at that same rate, providing you with a True 8kHz polling experience. This lowers your keyboard latency to only 0.125ms.
Adjustable Actuation
A pretty "sensitive" subject.
Eliminate the slowest element in input latency; the initial key press travel before key activation. You have full control over your actuation point from 0.1 to 4.0mm.
Configurable per key in 0.1mm steps, you can customize each key towards your playstyle.
Rapid Trigger
Unmatched performance.
Eliminate the second slowest element in input latency; return key press travel before key deactivation. Rapid Trigger dynamically changes the actuation and deactivation point. Your keys will activate when you intend to press them and deactivate when you intend to let go.
You can repeat a key press mid motion without needing to surpass a fixed reset or actuation point for rapid presses.
Gateron x Lekker switch
Its simple construction and quality build assures a frictionless linear press. There’s no bump, rub, or scratch. There’s just that linear smoothness.